I have yet to find any fabric that will look good on the sleepy hollow riding dress, so that will be put on hold until that appears unfortunatley. My next project is a Robe ala francaise.

I bought a few metres of this fabric off ebay. Its a grey/blue colour with a gold apple tree pattern. Its really nice. Unfortunatley there wasnt very much available so i may have to deviate from history a bit and just make a dress out of whats there and hope it looks like a proper Robe ala francais. Thats cosutming on a budget for you.
The stomacher and underskirt are going to be made from the stock of fabric that i have that i used to make this pink dress out of ( on the left worn by esther)
I think the contrast between the grey blue and the pink will look nice. I hope anyway. We will see :)
I have broken up from school now and only have two exams left to revise for, so i should be able to do this dress quite easily over the next couple of weeks in the breaks from my revision :)
Its nice to have something fun to do in my breaks.
I will post some progress asap as well as the photos of the stripey dress.