Sunday, 22 April 2012
Green Hooded Caraco
I made this green hooded caraco over the summer but didnt quite finish it off or take photos of it, so this weekend i took my dog to the wood and had a photo session,
here he is peeking out from behind my skirts haha
Unfortunately i didn't notice until after we had packed up and gone home that in all of the photographs the back of my skirt is all crumpled, darn! But yeah, i really like the shape of the skirt and the hood, except i think i maybe made it a slighty wrong size as it fit on my head a bit funny. I actually needed the hood in the end as it started raining while we were taking photographs. In case you hadn't noticed, i dyed my hair red this year haha, i don't think i have actually taken any costume photos since my hair was red, as last summer i think i just made the three dresses for my friends.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
In the Company of Wolves; Costume Study.

Last Night i watched the film 'In the Company of Wolves' which is based on an Angela Carter Book and is basically a re-telling of the story of little red riding hood. I really liked the costumes in this film, she only really had two full costumes but throughout the film they were worn in different combinations to create a variety of outfits. While i was watching i did some quick costume sketches which i later coloured on my computer.

I really like her second costume, with the red floral skirt, black velvet bodice and traditional red cloak, i think if i get chance over the summer i might try and make at least one of these costumes for myself.

I will also take this opportunity to tell you all about the online shop i am planning on opening. I am thinking over the summer trying to sell some costumes of mine, specifically 18th century stays. I will make a variety of styles of stays to a variety of standard sizes (eg size 10, 12, 14 etc).
an example of some 18th century stays that i made in the past.
18th century
costume study
little red riding hood.
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